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Pick up your very own copy of Ditch the Act at one of the following retailers:

“Read this book. You’ll quickly realize that your real power — as an individual or as a company — is not in being picture perfect but in being vulnerable and honest.”
—From the foreword by Keith Ferrazzi,
New York Times bestselling author and inventor of Co-elevation

“We think people only want to hear about our successes. We think that’s where our credibility will come from. And in that false assumption we leave one of our greatest powers untapped. Ryan and Leonard have it just right in this book. You’ll never think of your attempts to influence the same way again.”
—Greg McKeown,
New York Times bestselling author of Essentialism

“Grab a cup of coffee, get cozy and curl up with this book. Ditch the Act will change your perspective on why telling your story can open doors to unimaginable opportunities — that have always been right in front of you, you just weren’t letting them in.”
—Tiffani Bova,
Keynote Speaker, Growth and Innovation Evangelist at Salesforce and bestselling author of Growth IQ

“In Ditch the Act, Leonard and Ryan teach readers how to turn their biggest weaknesses into their greatest strengths. They show you how transparency and vulnerability can make you stronger, not weaker, and how you can go from fearful to fearless. They provide an easy-to-implement guide that includes highly effective exercises that help you cut through the nonsense and noise and establish a bold and honest brand.”

“Failure isn’t finale, it’s fulcrum. In Ditch the Act, Ryan Foland and Leonard Kim go into great detail from their own personal experience and professional work to teach you, step-by-step, how to turn your stories of failure into compelling connections with other people to foster relationships that stick. If you need to sell anything — including yourself — this is the book for you.”

“As the founder of BNI (Business Network International), I can tell you that the most powerful element of each member of any group is their ability to share their own story. In Ditch the Act, you will learn how to share stories around the most compelling topic of all, yourself.”

“This book makes me want to believe in myself again. I feel reinvigorated as someone who has struggled in their career and personal life because of anxiety. From being bullied to lack of support of standing up for myself and what I believe in, and never feeling I deserved what I could achieve, which was attainable if I would have just pursued my dreams and ambitions. I feel like I have a clear direction onto the path I am going to be taking now and cannot wait to see where I land — it’s all credit/thanks to you for being real and sharing that I can too be myself again! To the audience of this book: Once you read this: Game Over — except really the game is at the starting line. Surround yourself with people that believe in you and support you. Do the work. Follow the process. The chapters will direct and drop the truth bombs you need to make changes. I’m already seeing the positive effects this book has made on my life and look forward to many more in the future.”

“Grab a cup of coffee, get cozy and curl up with this book. Ditch the Act will change your perspective on why telling your story can open doors to unimaginable opportunities — that have always been right in front of you, you just weren’t letting them in.”

“Ditch The Act is authentic, comprehensive and really demonstrates the power of vulnerability in building your personal brand. Leonard and Ryan sharing their own fears and failures opens the door for us all to do the same. Now more than ever, it’s essential that we know and show who we really are. This book provides the step-by-step process of getting real with yourself and others, so you can connect more deeply and attract a larger audience. Highly recommend it!”

“Ditch the Act is a refreshing look through a different prism when examining the life of your business and your own life, as well. It’s an interesting, thoughtful take on upending some of the conventional wisdom that many folks believe makes up the path to success. I appreciated the candor which Leonard and Ryan share in this tome, and encourage any other forward-thinking self-starters to take it for a spin. You’ll better your brand, and learn from those who’ve walked the walk.”

“Ryan Foland and Leonard Kim have cracked the code on building a real persona by being authentic. The simple truth is better than the illusion you think people care about or want to see. The more genuine you are, the more honest about your mistakes and failures, the more transparent you become and that makes you someone others like and can relate to. Ryan and Leonard’s book is a road map to that process, a compelling read that keeps your attention throughout.”

“‘Fake-it-til-you-make-it’ has always been the unspoken rule. Authentic and vulnerable? Well, obviously! — as long as it’s well-lit and airbrushed. But Leonard and Ryan have finally righted the boat — and it turns out that conventional wisdom had been trying to sink us all along. You can still do it the old way, but you’ll always wonder… How much better could I have been?”

“Leonard and Ryan have written a transformative book that brings forth not only why we need to be online, but how we can create and spark impact in our communities, build sustainable relationships and paying it forward to others. This book brings forth applicable best practices that can empower executives, educators and young professionals entering the workplace. Ditch the Act: Reveal the Surprising Power of the Real You for Greater Success needs to be added to your bookshelf and course reading lists!”

“Ditch the Act shows that the time is NOW to expose our own humanity to achieve not just success, but LONGSTANDING IMPACT. When I coach individuals to tap into that humanity, they gain a surefire foundation to achieve their full potential.”

“The reality is that we all have gone through, and will continue to face tough times. Ryan and Leonard explain how documenting and sharing our own realities – especially the hard times – gives us a superpower to connect with others. Ditch the Act is a unique approach and a practical guide to activating your personal brand by simply learning to share your experiences along the way.”

“Ditch the Act is a story about two people who refuse to let their vulnerabilities, failures and weaknesses in life define who they are. Instead of running away from their fears, they embrace their insecurities and let them guide their heart. This book is ultimately about truth, candor and authenticity. All of us could learn from these life lessons and see why it’s not cool to sugar coat the truth or hide behind our masks.”

“I teach a Personal Branding- How To Be An Influencer course at UCLA and I tell my students that authenticity is the key to successful personal branding. But did you know that exposing your vulnerability can be the best way to differentiate and grow your brand? Leonard and Ryan’s book, Ditch the Act, inspires you to ditch the act of being perfect and leverage your failures and shortcomings to build authentic connections with your audience. This is a must-read for anyone who believes in the power of authenticity and wants to learn how to cultivate an empathetic and loyal fan base.”

“When it comes to getting your dream job, you must learn to balance sharing both your expertise and the experience that has actually made you an expert. In Ditch the Act, Ryan and Leonard teach readers how to use their failures and mistakes to build out an Exposure Résumé that helps tease out the learning lessons that make you unique and relatable. Read this book and you will discover your true and authentic brand.

“This is the perfect guide for anybody seeking more fulfilling personal relationships and exponential growth in their career.”

“If you are ready and have the courage to be authentic, transparent and relatable in business and in life, Ditch the Act will walk you through a pragmatic, clear, step by step blueprint. Leonard and Ryan walk us through a proven formula to look in the mirror and unlock the strength of seeing all of you — not just the strengths and accomplishments, but the mistakes, warts and vulnerabilities. In being honest and sharing yourself fully, you discover your secret sauce — your key differentiators — what makes you stand out.”

“From Presidents to superstars and the biggest brands, I’ve assisted thousands of clients to build their personas and connect them to their audiences in the social graph. In Ditch the Act, Leonard and Ryan have highlighted the most important quality that resonates with large audiences: to be human. Their unique approach should help you break through hubris and allow your human, vulnerable self to be expressed, all in hopes to build a more suitable Social Organism for all of us!”

Living in the Instagram-Facebook era, we all are tempted to airbrush our failures, trumpet our successes and pretend our lives are worry- and PVC-free. Ryan and Leonard show how counter-productive that approach is. It’s only by sharing our real stories and authentic journeys that we can bring others in, create communities of support and enlarge our fan bases. This book is the roadmap to better lives and better social media in the half-digital world we live in now.

“Ryan and Leonard address a topic near and dear to me. Read this book AND… Be authentic, be real, be human and JUST BE YOU. Your audience, colleagues, family and friends (and your conscience) will thank you for it. Make this part of your brand DNA… Tell your story In a way people will care.”

“People have become masters at sharing a facade of success and happiness on social media. These selective personas that we choose to project are doing more harm to our ability to grow and expand our horizons. Ditch the Act gives us permission to be vulnerable, authentic and honest with those around us. With both strategies and tactics, this book is exactly what you need if you are looking for a real edge in life.”

“Be Authentic! In the days of social media filters and artificial enhancements with people desperately wanting and needing to be perceived as more than their true self, it is a beautiful thing to read the perspective from the eyes of Leonard and Ryan. Being authentic used to be the norm and now being authentic is the exception. The message is to accept and acknowledge your shortcomings, to be your true self and let your true self shine for the world to see. An excellent book from two talented authors!”

“Ryan has long been one of my favorite communicators. In Ditch the Act, Ryan’s signature high energy and Leonard’s openness make for a riveting combination. They not only share stories and insights to illuminate, but exercises to help you make their ideas a functionality reality. Ditch the Act is quite liberating and required reading in a world where we’ve all gone a bit overboard trying to look like we have our stuff together at all times. We don’t. And according to Ryan and Leonard, not only is that okay, it’s a golden opportunity holding the key to real success.”

“What I found to be the magical formula that brought me to where I am in my career is going beyond the ‘why’ to the ‘who’. Once I looked at who I was (someone who leads life with love, authenticity and a touch of sass), my business exploded. Ditch the Act teaches you how to own your most valuable asset, your whole story.”

“Grow your personal brand by exposing your whole self”, wouldn’t that be awesome? That’s exactly what this book is about…and goodness, does it deliver! Packed with practical advice, it will become your personal brand bible!”

“In a world where perception is considered as important or even more important than reality, “Ditch the Act” challenges that kind of mindset with some personal stories, a clear explanation on thinking about success and self branding differently, and a playbook to apply it. As a fan of humble, yet confident self expression, I found the book making me think about all of the books and articles talking more about power poses and looking the successful self instead of building trust via admitting our fragile moments and vulnerabilities with our teams and followers. It’s a must read which brings a different perspective and can potentially help some of us grow.”

“Life is way too short to find out you messed up your chance to be your best self and help others do the same. Ditch the Act helps you immediately be the person you will be most proud of and that others will want to friend, follow and become. What greater gift could there be in any form, let alone an easy to read book?”

“So much opinion is made on the fake masks we try to develop based on what we think others want to hear. We become fearful of ourself, our story and who we really are, losing our ability to connect. It is great to finally read a book on self-development that is not just a bandage to add to our already broken masks but teaches us to be ourselves and truly communicate what and who we are without shame, creating true and long lasting relationships in the process! A great read for all those that want to communicate clearly and honestly and are not looking for yet another cheap trick!”

“In an era of ever-increasing noise on social media, Ditch the Act makes you realize that being yourself is truly the key to standing out. It is full of actionable insights to revealing the power of the real you.”

“Many people in the business industry hide behind a facade. As we are often taught to fake it till you make it, however, Ditch the Act encourages a newfound philosophy that redefines what it means to be authentic in an impersonal digital age.”

“As someone who specializes in helping companies grow leaders, retain top talent and develop employees, I believe that Ditch the Act outlines the fundamentals that an organization requires to enable employees to connect to the company brand and turn their employees into brand advocates.”

“True Self is the new best self. We are conditioned to only putting our best self forward in relationships and professional settings, and social media is making things worse by driving new levels of imposter syndrome and self doubt. Ditch the Act offers concrete steps to overcome fears and grow into who you want to be. Professionally, this book offers tremendous advice on self branding. Personally (and perhaps more importantly) this book generates a road map to self acceptance.”

“It’s counterintuitive to realize that all that polish we’ve added to our resume and professional interactions is actually getting in the way of our success. Authenticity is what connects — and by giving specific and actionable instructions for getting real and exposing our vulnerabilities, this book is a field guide to getting to the next level: one where we don’t have to hide behind a mask and our interactions are deeper, more meaningful and far less stressful.”

“Many people look great on paper, but few know how to translate that to real relatability. In fact, the more success you find, the more unrelatable you can become (without even realizing it). We live in a world where people crave authenticity. Ditch the Act shows you how to be more comfortable with yourself, and shows the value in sharing the struggles that built your success. Doing so helps others see themselves in your story, and that is what creates real connection in an authentic way.”

“Ditch the Act is a refreshing take on the endangered self-traits of transparency and vulnerability. It’s an honest and engaging conversation built to challenge you, your perceptions, and your ability to value imperfection in a seemingly perfect world. It’s time to rethink the roles of perception and failure, and Ditch the Act couldn’t come at a better time.”

“Ditch the Act is one of the best books I’ve ever read. Ryan and Leonard’s stories are both relatable and inspiring, demonstrating the power of showing your true self to the world. Their stories, lessons and insights will encourage you to take off your mask and become the authentic leader you’re meant to be. Lots of tips in here to get you to your next level of success, impact and difference-making. If you find yourself hiding in the darkness, as I and many others have, this book will help you step into the light. Read it.”

“Being vulnerable is essential to innovation, but very few know how to actually do it in an authentic way. Ditch the Act is the most comprehensive guide I’ve seen that provides a step-by-step actionable plan on how to get started now.”

“Ditch the Act is so good! As a chief marketing officer who specializes in inbound marketing, I see Ditch the Act as not only a practical guide, but quite tactical as well, to not only take an individual and turn them into the face of a brand, but to rally large teams at companies to do the same. I will be implementing these practices at my company with all our employees.”

“In Ditch the Act, Leonard and Ryan’s radical authenticity is not a strategy that we’re used to seeing from thought leaders who generally rely on a guise of perfection to amass influence. And that’s why it’s so effective. The authors show that in our airbrushed culture, aspiration is less effective than vulnerability.”

“Wow! I’m so proud of how Ryan and Leonard have turned what I’ve always known them to be experts at (marketing, communications and personal branding) into an interesting and enlightened long form discussion with actionable takeaways for any professional. Ditch the Act will help you identify your true self and teach you to leverage inherent talents and strengths for good.”

“I love a book that is entertaining and engaging. But, it also has to teach me something. Ditch the Act delivers the goods! As an expert in customer and employee loyalty, I found lessons to help people create loyal relationships with people they haven’t met yet, digitally that is. Ryan and Leonard’s concept of revealing your whole self with candor will help you drive loyalty with the masses.”

“At Zoom, we know the power of human to human connection. In a world where there is more digital connection than ever before, a reminder to be more human when on digital platforms is highly valuable. In Ditch the Act, Ryan and Leonard dive deep into how to showcase your real and whole-self, both online and offline, in a way that builds trust by being truthful.”

“Social media platforms have fundamentally changed how we show up and relate to the world. We think we have to present a whitewashed, perfect peek into our lives. God forbid that we’d share anything too authentic, too transparent, too real. But what is really underneath that fear? Why are we so scared of people seeing the real us? In Ditch the Act, Leonard and Ryan have done a superb job of giving us permission to not only show up and share our more authentic selves, they’ve also included numerous thought-provoking, step-by-step exercises to blast through our fears and achieve a much deeper relationship with our online and offline audiences. I’ve heard it said that we don’t suffer from a ‘time famine’ in today’s world; we suffer from an ‘intimacy famine.’ We’d rather do anything than share vulnerably what’s really going on. I see this book as a new movement to turn the intimacy famine around and create much, much deeper connection with one another.”

“If you think you already know how to generate impact, present in public and create a strong personal profile, you are wrong, and you need to read this book now. Ditch The Act is an essential read for anyone that wants to create a meaningful impression in today’s online and social media-driven world. Authenticity is key, but it is not easy to be authentic, innovative, impactful and unique. This book will help you get there.”

“As a Sr. Software Engineer and Developer Evangelist at Microsoft for over 10 years, much of what I find that builds camaraderie between teams is when managers and employees begin to act as a family and treat each other with love and compassion, while understanding that everyone is in it together. Ditch the Act shows you how you can maximize your relationships in the office to better improve both your internal and external connections and put you on the fast track to realize your career goals, better lead your team, or showcase your expertise outside of the office so that you are a true reflection of what your company has to offer.”

“I’m a believer that books come to us at the exact right moment. If we allow them to, they can and will change our lives. This is one of those books. While the focus of Ditch the Act is personal branding, this book is so much more than that. It’s a raw, real look at what it takes to make connections into today’s saturated online world. While I’m an advocate of personal branding, what often gets overlooked is the importance of vulnerability and authenticity. There’s a disconnect between purposeful connection and random interaction. If you’re looking for a playbook to building a powerful personal brand, this book is for you. Through real-life stories, detailed insights and actionable exercises, you’ll learn how to gain authority and credibility to dominate your market.”

“Ditch The Act is brilliant in its mastery for helping you move from ‘Acting’ to ‘Authenticity’. It’s that genius that propels you to success. I deeply understand the value of being truly authentic now…meaning, I wish I had this book much earlier in my career and personal life. It would have saved me a lot of headaches and accelerated where I really wanted to go. Straight to the top, with no pit stops. It will do just that for you.”

“Being vulnerable isn’t the easiest thing in our society, but it is one of the most compelling ways to connect. In the noisy digital world we are tired of hype, being sold to, being told what we are doing or how we look isn’t good enough. We are craving honest communication about shared human experiences, validation and reassurance we’re not alone. Ditch the Act offers the answer to making the online experience with brand followers more human, meaningful, worthwhile and valuable. This book has inspired me to do more of this and build a connected community that thrives together.”

“Beautiful, brilliant must-read book! Ditch the Act will remind you that there are global forces and shared experiences that bring us together. It’s a roadmap to real authority and influence rooted in finding your truth and being yourself.”

“Leonard and Ryan’s book, Ditch the Act, is absolutely timely. Large companies across the globe are biting the dust as the best of their leaders are putting on charades instead of providing authentic leadership. Leaders who are ‘real’ are talent magnets and they build great institutions with enduring customer relationships. Authentic leaders drive tremendous efficiencies through increased transparency. Through examples, exercises and exploration, the authors have created an immensely readable and practical book on contemporary leadership.”

“It’s amazing how you shine when you take the polish off. Ditch the Act is a timely user manual on how to turn your awkward vulnerability into a powerful brand asset.”

“Ditch the Act is just the hard truth we all need to hear in an influencer environment where too much is staged for social and real truth is hard to come by. Authenticity cannot be contrived and passion cannot be faked. Authors, Ryan Foland and Leonard Kim share valuable stories and methods for getting out of your own way and getting to the real you. And that is a sustainable business strategy.”

“Leonard and Ryan take you on an amusing and empowering journey of authenticity, transparency and self-confidence… flaws and all. Personally, I welcome an era of business where we can all drop the facade, build genuine relationships, do our best work and spend less time shaping inauthentic personas.”

“As a venture capitalist who helps female entrepreneurs raise capital for their businesses, one of the most important things I tell entrepreneurs is that they need to be real, because investors are investing into you. Ditch the Act reveals the process you need to get massive buy-in from others for anything that you do by teaching you how to get your pitch down and expose your whole self in a way that causes massive attraction.”

“The key to building a good brand is to be raw and authentic with your audience. Leonard and Ryan jump right into showing you who they are with candid examples and backstory to develop exactly how they have been able to achieve success with their brands. Ditch the Act helps to strip down your barriers through engaging stories, data and homework to truly find who you are and how you can achieve more from yourself. It may be the cheapest therapist you ever engage with.”

“If you’re struggling to believe in how authenticity and vulnerability can supercharge your personal brand, Leonard and Ryan’s book will remove all your doubts and worries. Ditch the Act has the ability to reframe your mind in a sense that it will change the way you market and run your business. It’s the kind of book that makes you feel like you don’t have to be anyone else but yourself to build an empire which in turn makes it easier for you to achieve the freedom to live life on your own terms. In a world where people try so hard to learn all the advanced strategies that will help them accomplish their goals, Ditch the Act will silence all the white noise and serve you with the best and most powerful strategy there is to succeed not just in business but in all areas of your life. Everyone needs this. Thank you, Leonard and Ryan! You did an excellent job bringing this book to life.”

“I’m that person who scours social media for success patterns that might increase the visibility of my work. Ditch the Act is the clear and compelling playbook I didn’t know I needed — an easy read that models vulnerability at its finest, while offering practical guidance for how to accelerate personal brand-building.”

We think people only want to hear about our successes. We think that’s where our credibility will come from. And in that false assumption, we leave one of our greatest powers untapped. Ryan Foland and Leonard Kim have it just right in this book. You’ll never think of your attempts to influence the same way again.

“Ditch the Act actually does what many books try to do so ineffectively: address the value of authenticity. Reading this brought up my own feelings around the power of vulnerability in sharing not just more, but the full story with my audience. As much as we want to put on a brave and glorious image, not providing hardship makes us serve fewer people. Ditch the Act is one of the few books that makes me become a better leader, business owner and person by knowing my true journey is the one that must be told. This is a must-read book for anyone that wants to connect more with their customers, loved ones and themselves.”

“Whether you’re building a new business, reinventing yourself, or trying to stand out at work, one way you can build camaraderie quickly and achieve real success is through ditching the act. When you tap into the power of your authentic self, you become unstoppable at achieving your life’s true potential.”

Ditch the Act isn’t about creating a personal brand; it’s a step-by-step guide to articulating your story, identifying the wisdom in your wounds and sharing them both with the world. Ryan and Leonard demonstrate that in a world of carefully-curated online identities designed to impress, the true key to connection isn’t making people say, ‘oh wow! That’s amazing’; it’s giving people the opportunity to say, ‘oh my God, I thought I was the only one afraid, hurt, and hiding.’”

“Ryan and Leonard practice what they preach in their ground breaking work, Ditch the Act. They demonstrate the power of vulnerability as they reveal their own personal foibles and challenges. The reader can’t help but be attracted to their candor and authenticity. They then share a process which helps us all take off our masks and be the real people our customers want to trust, befriend and do business with.“

“Ditch the Act is an ideal antidote for anyone intimidated, confused or otherwise dismayed by the unceasing bacchanalian masquerade that is social media in recent times. Two of the internet’s most down-to-earth guys explain how they’ve burst through the artificial barriers set by different platform’s superficial standards, then lay out a step-by-step road map for you to begin your journey to accomplish the same. Authenticity is the skeleton key to a successful — and sustainable — future in social marketing, and Ryan and Leonard show you exactly how to ditch your own act and follow the path they’ve followed, both together and individually, to a fruitful and healthy online/offline presence.”

“This book cuts through the marketing psycho-babble and all the confusion that keeps many of us chasing tactics and over-the-top promises. DITCH all of the time and money wasted chasing other people’s dreams and employing “do-it-like-I-did-it” get rich schemes. Read this book – NOW!”

“In Ditch the Act, Ryan and Leonard open up about their vulnerabilities to show how we can harness our weaknesses to be an advantage. These two characters are masters of communication and this book is a must-read for anyone looking to improve their personal brand.”

“If you feel any hesitancy or fear around how to present yourself at work, online or on stage, look no further! This book will convince you that sharing all the messy parts, hard parts and small moments that you think no one cares about are what makes your brand real and interesting. If you’re not sure how to get started, this book also has useful exercises to get you thinking and building a presence other people will want to follow and engage with. Don’t wait to read this book!”

“We’re in an age where Instagram and Facebook rule, where influencers and even friends have us believing that everyone’s successes, family dynamics and lives are perfect and ours aren’t. It isn’t real. Life is messy. Success is messy. This book gives the reader permission to be vulnerable and still be okay. Leonard and Ryan share relatable instances that resonated with me so much they brought me to tears, and I found myself breathing a huge sigh of relief to just give myself a break from having to be picture perfect (literally). THESE concepts help cut through the barrage of misinformation and hype we’re fed daily and allow us as entrepreneurs to present ourselves authentically and in turn create authentic relationships with clients, family and everyone around us.”

“When I prepare people for high-stakes presentations such as TED talks, people always ask me, ‘How can I be more authentic with my audience?’ Ditch the Act is exactly what people need to do to be more authentic. It’s all eloquently explained with examples by the authors. I predict this book will be seen as powerful as the book How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. If you want to find your authentic self and allow that self to be seen and heard by the world, Ditch the Act is your key to success.”

“Courageous, different and a masterclass in vulnerability. Ditch the Act is a refreshingly pragmatic book on how to build your personal brand. Leonard and Ryan have bravely shared their own trials and triumphs in service of empowering others who want to build a long-lasting personal brand. If you are looking to ignite your personal brand online or otherwise, look no further than this book. It’s the rocket fuel you need to launch your personal branding into the stratosphere.”

“As any Leonard Kim fan would know, Leonard is THE master at personal branding. On whatever medium, you will find him and know him to be the thought leader in his space. Leonard and Ryan’s book is a whole lot more than just telling you to stop being fake. It’s a recipe book for developing a script of the ‘real you’ and HOW exactly you can use it to produce genuine content at scale and grow your audience. It’s so good, we’re going to start handing this book out to our customers who want to become the best thought-leaders they can be.”

“This book is certainly one of the best and most moving books I have ever read. And boy do I consume a heap of content. Actually, it’s one of those few exceptional books that not only has the power to change lives for the better and provide a few good laughs — but also comes once in a lifetime! A must-read for every person interested in growing their brand through authenticity.”

“Leonard and Ryan deliver meaningful and brutal life lessons that you’d never expect from two super successful public figures. The ‘Exposure Resume’ and 3-1-3 method helped me see through my own fluff and get to what really works in building my personal brand.”

“In Ditch the Act, Leonard and Ryan teach readers how to turn their biggest weaknesses into their greatest strengths. They show you how transparency and vulnerability can make you stronger, not weaker, and how you can go from fearful to fearless. They provide an easy-to-implement guide that includes highly effective exercises that help you cut through the nonsense and noise and establish a bold and honest brand.”

“Failure isn’t finale, it’s fulcrum. In Ditch the Act, Ryan Foland and Leonard Kim go into great detail from their own personal experience and professional work to teach you, step-by-step, how to turn your stories of failure into compelling connections with other people to foster relationships that stick. If you need to sell anything — including yourself — this is the book for you.”

“As the founder of BNI (Business Network International), I can tell you that the most powerful element of each member of any group is their ability to share their own story. In Ditch the Act, you will learn how to share stories around the most compelling topic of all, yourself.”

“This book makes me want to believe in myself again. I feel reinvigorated as someone who has struggled in their career and personal life because of anxiety. From being bullied to lack of support of standing up for myself and what I believe in, and never feeling I deserved what I could achieve, which was attainable if I would have just pursued my dreams and ambitions. I feel like I have a clear direction onto the path I am going to be taking now and cannot wait to see where I land — it’s all credit/thanks to you for being real and sharing that I can too be myself again! To the audience of this book: Once you read this: Game Over — except really the game is at the starting line. Surround yourself with people that believe in you and support you. Do the work. Follow the process. The chapters will direct and drop the truth bombs you need to make changes. I’m already seeing the positive effects this book has made on my life and look forward to many more in the future.”

“Grab a cup of coffee, get cozy and curl up with this book. Ditch the Act will change your perspective on why telling your story can open doors to unimaginable opportunities — that have always been right in front of you, you just weren’t letting them in.”

“Ditch The Act is authentic, comprehensive and really demonstrates the power of vulnerability in building your personal brand. Leonard and Ryan sharing their own fears and failures opens the door for us all to do the same. Now more than ever, it’s essential that we know and show who we really are. This book provides the step-by-step process of getting real with yourself and others, so you can connect more deeply and attract a larger audience. Highly recommend it!”

“Ditch the Act is a refreshing look through a different prism when examining the life of your business and your own life, as well. It’s an interesting, thoughtful take on upending some of the conventional wisdom that many folks believe makes up the path to success. I appreciated the candor which Leonard and Ryan share in this tome, and encourage any other forward-thinking self-starters to take it for a spin. You’ll better your brand, and learn from those who’ve walked the walk.”

“Ryan Foland and Leonard Kim have cracked the code on building a real persona by being authentic. The simple truth is better than the illusion you think people care about or want to see. The more genuine you are, the more honest about your mistakes and failures, the more transparent you become and that makes you someone others like and can relate to. Ryan and Leonard’s book is a road map to that process, a compelling read that keeps your attention throughout.”

“‘Fake-it-til-you-make-it’ has always been the unspoken rule. Authentic and vulnerable? Well, obviously! — as long as it’s well-lit and airbrushed. But Leonard and Ryan have finally righted the boat — and it turns out that conventional wisdom had been trying to sink us all along. You can still do it the old way, but you’ll always wonder… How much better could I have been?”

“Leonard and Ryan have written a transformative book that brings forth not only why we need to be online, but how we can create and spark impact in our communities, build sustainable relationships and paying it forward to others. This book brings forth applicable best practices that can empower executives, educators and young professionals entering the workplace. Ditch the Act: Reveal the Surprising Power of the Real You for Greater Success needs to be added to your bookshelf and course reading lists!”

“Ditch the Act shows that the time is NOW to expose our own humanity to achieve not just success, but LONGSTANDING IMPACT. When I coach individuals to tap into that humanity, they gain a surefire foundation to achieve their full potential.”

“The reality is that we all have gone through, and will continue to face tough times. Ryan and Leonard explain how documenting and sharing our own realities – especially the hard times – gives us a superpower to connect with others. Ditch the Act is a unique approach and a practical guide to activating your personal brand by simply learning to share your experiences along the way.”

“Ditch the Act is a story about two people who refuse to let their vulnerabilities, failures and weaknesses in life define who they are. Instead of running away from their fears, they embrace their insecurities and let them guide their heart. This book is ultimately about truth, candor and authenticity. All of us could learn from these life lessons and see why it’s not cool to sugar coat the truth or hide behind our masks.”

“I teach a Personal Branding- How To Be An Influencer course at UCLA and I tell my students that authenticity is the key to successful personal branding. But did you know that exposing your vulnerability can be the best way to differentiate and grow your brand? Leonard and Ryan’s book, Ditch the Act, inspires you to ditch the act of being perfect and leverage your failures and shortcomings to build authentic connections with your audience. This is a must-read for anyone who believes in the power of authenticity and wants to learn how to cultivate an empathetic and loyal fan base.”

“When it comes to getting your dream job, you must learn to balance sharing both your expertise and the experience that has actually made you an expert. In Ditch the Act, Ryan and Leonard teach readers how to use their failures and mistakes to build out an Exposure Résumé that helps tease out the learning lessons that make you unique and relatable. Read this book and you will discover your true and authentic brand.

“This is the perfect guide for anybody seeking more fulfilling personal relationships and exponential growth in their career.”

“If you are ready and have the courage to be authentic, transparent and relatable in business and in life, Ditch the Act will walk you through a pragmatic, clear, step by step blueprint. Leonard and Ryan walk us through a proven formula to look in the mirror and unlock the strength of seeing all of you — not just the strengths and accomplishments, but the mistakes, warts and vulnerabilities. In being honest and sharing yourself fully, you discover your secret sauce — your key differentiators — what makes you stand out.”

“From Presidents to superstars and the biggest brands, I’ve assisted thousands of clients to build their personas and connect them to their audiences in the social graph. In Ditch the Act, Leonard and Ryan have highlighted the most important quality that resonates with large audiences: to be human. Their unique approach should help you break through hubris and allow your human, vulnerable self to be expressed, all in hopes to build a more suitable Social Organism for all of us!”

Living in the Instagram-Facebook era, we all are tempted to airbrush our failures, trumpet our successes and pretend our lives are worry- and PVC-free. Ryan and Leonard show how counter-productive that approach is. It’s only by sharing our real stories and authentic journeys that we can bring others in, create communities of support and enlarge our fan bases. This book is the roadmap to better lives and better social media in the half-digital world we live in now.

“Ryan and Leonard address a topic near and dear to me. Read this book AND… Be authentic, be real, be human and JUST BE YOU. Your audience, colleagues, family and friends (and your conscience) will thank you for it. Make this part of your brand DNA… Tell your story In a way people will care.”

“People have become masters at sharing a facade of success and happiness on social media. These selective personas that we choose to project are doing more harm to our ability to grow and expand our horizons. Ditch the Act gives us permission to be vulnerable, authentic and honest with those around us. With both strategies and tactics, this book is exactly what you need if you are looking for a real edge in life.”

“Be Authentic! In the days of social media filters and artificial enhancements with people desperately wanting and needing to be perceived as more than their true self, it is a beautiful thing to read the perspective from the eyes of Leonard and Ryan. Being authentic used to be the norm and now being authentic is the exception. The message is to accept and acknowledge your shortcomings, to be your true self and let your true self shine for the world to see. An excellent book from two talented authors!”

“Ryan has long been one of my favorite communicators. In Ditch the Act, Ryan’s signature high energy and Leonard’s openness make for a riveting combination. They not only share stories and insights to illuminate, but exercises to help you make their ideas a functionality reality. Ditch the Act is quite liberating and required reading in a world where we’ve all gone a bit overboard trying to look like we have our stuff together at all times. We don’t. And according to Ryan and Leonard, not only is that okay, it’s a golden opportunity holding the key to real success.”

“What I found to be the magical formula that brought me to where I am in my career is going beyond the ‘why’ to the ‘who’. Once I looked at who I was (someone who leads life with love, authenticity and a touch of sass), my business exploded. Ditch the Act teaches you how to own your most valuable asset, your whole story.”

“Grow your personal brand by exposing your whole self”, wouldn’t that be awesome? That’s exactly what this book is about…and goodness, does it deliver! Packed with practical advice, it will become your personal brand bible!”

“In a world where perception is considered as important or even more important than reality, “Ditch the Act” challenges that kind of mindset with some personal stories, a clear explanation on thinking about success and self branding differently, and a playbook to apply it. As a fan of humble, yet confident self expression, I found the book making me think about all of the books and articles talking more about power poses and looking the successful self instead of building trust via admitting our fragile moments and vulnerabilities with our teams and followers. It’s a must read which brings a different perspective and can potentially help some of us grow.”

“Life is way too short to find out you messed up your chance to be your best self and help others do the same. Ditch the Act helps you immediately be the person you will be most proud of and that others will want to friend, follow and become. What greater gift could there be in any form, let alone an easy to read book?”

“So much opinion is made on the fake masks we try to develop based on what we think others want to hear. We become fearful of ourself, our story and who we really are, losing our ability to connect. It is great to finally read a book on self-development that is not just a bandage to add to our already broken masks but teaches us to be ourselves and truly communicate what and who we are without shame, creating true and long lasting relationships in the process! A great read for all those that want to communicate clearly and honestly and are not looking for yet another cheap trick!”

“In an era of ever-increasing noise on social media, Ditch the Act makes you realize that being yourself is truly the key to standing out. It is full of actionable insights to revealing the power of the real you.”

“Many people in the business industry hide behind a facade. As we are often taught to fake it till you make it, however, Ditch the Act encourages a newfound philosophy that redefines what it means to be authentic in an impersonal digital age.”

“As someone who specializes in helping companies grow leaders, retain top talent and develop employees, I believe that Ditch the Act outlines the fundamentals that an organization requires to enable employees to connect to the company brand and turn their employees into brand advocates.”

“True Self is the new best self. We are conditioned to only putting our best self forward in relationships and professional settings, and social media is making things worse by driving new levels of imposter syndrome and self doubt. Ditch the Act offers concrete steps to overcome fears and grow into who you want to be. Professionally, this book offers tremendous advice on self branding. Personally (and perhaps more importantly) this book generates a road map to self acceptance.”

“It’s counterintuitive to realize that all that polish we’ve added to our resume and professional interactions is actually getting in the way of our success. Authenticity is what connects — and by giving specific and actionable instructions for getting real and exposing our vulnerabilities, this book is a field guide to getting to the next level: one where we don’t have to hide behind a mask and our interactions are deeper, more meaningful and far less stressful.”

“Many people look great on paper, but few know how to translate that to real relatability. In fact, the more success you find, the more unrelatable you can become (without even realizing it). We live in a world where people crave authenticity. Ditch the Act shows you how to be more comfortable with yourself, and shows the value in sharing the struggles that built your success. Doing so helps others see themselves in your story, and that is what creates real connection in an authentic way.”

“Ditch the Act is a refreshing take on the endangered self-traits of transparency and vulnerability. It’s an honest and engaging conversation built to challenge you, your perceptions, and your ability to value imperfection in a seemingly perfect world. It’s time to rethink the roles of perception and failure, and Ditch the Act couldn’t come at a better time.”

“Ditch the Act is one of the best books I’ve ever read. Ryan and Leonard’s stories are both relatable and inspiring, demonstrating the power of showing your true self to the world. Their stories, lessons and insights will encourage you to take off your mask and become the authentic leader you’re meant to be. Lots of tips in here to get you to your next level of success, impact and difference-making. If you find yourself hiding in the darkness, as I and many others have, this book will help you step into the light. Read it.”

“Being vulnerable is essential to innovation, but very few know how to actually do it in an authentic way. Ditch the Act is the most comprehensive guide I’ve seen that provides a step-by-step actionable plan on how to get started now.”

“Ditch the Act is so good! As a chief marketing officer who specializes in inbound marketing, I see Ditch the Act as not only a practical guide, but quite tactical as well, to not only take an individual and turn them into the face of a brand, but to rally large teams at companies to do the same. I will be implementing these practices at my company with all our employees.”

“In Ditch the Act, Leonard and Ryan’s radical authenticity is not a strategy that we’re used to seeing from thought leaders who generally rely on a guise of perfection to amass influence. And that’s why it’s so effective. The authors show that in our airbrushed culture, aspiration is less effective than vulnerability.”

“Wow! I’m so proud of how Ryan and Leonard have turned what I’ve always known them to be experts at (marketing, communications and personal branding) into an interesting and enlightened long form discussion with actionable takeaways for any professional. Ditch the Act will help you identify your true self and teach you to leverage inherent talents and strengths for good.”

“I love a book that is entertaining and engaging. But, it also has to teach me something. Ditch the Act delivers the goods! As an expert in customer and employee loyalty, I found lessons to help people create loyal relationships with people they haven’t met yet, digitally that is. Ryan and Leonard’s concept of revealing your whole self with candor will help you drive loyalty with the masses.”

“At Zoom, we know the power of human to human connection. In a world where there is more digital connection than ever before, a reminder to be more human when on digital platforms is highly valuable. In Ditch the Act, Ryan and Leonard dive deep into how to showcase your real and whole-self, both online and offline, in a way that builds trust by being truthful.”

“Social media platforms have fundamentally changed how we show up and relate to the world. We think we have to present a whitewashed, perfect peek into our lives. God forbid that we’d share anything too authentic, too transparent, too real. But what is really underneath that fear? Why are we so scared of people seeing the real us? In Ditch the Act, Leonard and Ryan have done a superb job of giving us permission to not only show up and share our more authentic selves, they’ve also included numerous thought-provoking, step-by-step exercises to blast through our fears and achieve a much deeper relationship with our online and offline audiences. I’ve heard it said that we don’t suffer from a ‘time famine’ in today’s world; we suffer from an ‘intimacy famine.’ We’d rather do anything than share vulnerably what’s really going on. I see this book as a new movement to turn the intimacy famine around and create much, much deeper connection with one another.”

“If you think you already know how to generate impact, present in public and create a strong personal profile, you are wrong, and you need to read this book now. Ditch The Act is an essential read for anyone that wants to create a meaningful impression in today’s online and social media-driven world. Authenticity is key, but it is not easy to be authentic, innovative, impactful and unique. This book will help you get there.”

“As a Sr. Software Engineer and Developer Evangelist at Microsoft for over 10 years, much of what I find that builds camaraderie between teams is when managers and employees begin to act as a family and treat each other with love and compassion, while understanding that everyone is in it together. Ditch the Act shows you how you can maximize your relationships in the office to better improve both your internal and external connections and put you on the fast track to realize your career goals, better lead your team, or showcase your expertise outside of the office so that you are a true reflection of what your company has to offer.”

“I’m a believer that books come to us at the exact right moment. If we allow them to, they can and will change our lives. This is one of those books. While the focus of Ditch the Act is personal branding, this book is so much more than that. It’s a raw, real look at what it takes to make connections into today’s saturated online world. While I’m an advocate of personal branding, what often gets overlooked is the importance of vulnerability and authenticity. There’s a disconnect between purposeful connection and random interaction. If you’re looking for a playbook to building a powerful personal brand, this book is for you. Through real-life stories, detailed insights and actionable exercises, you’ll learn how to gain authority and credibility to dominate your market.”

“Ditch The Act is brilliant in its mastery for helping you move from ‘Acting’ to ‘Authenticity’. It’s that genius that propels you to success. I deeply understand the value of being truly authentic now…meaning, I wish I had this book much earlier in my career and personal life. It would have saved me a lot of headaches and accelerated where I really wanted to go. Straight to the top, with no pit stops. It will do just that for you.”

“Being vulnerable isn’t the easiest thing in our society, but it is one of the most compelling ways to connect. In the noisy digital world we are tired of hype, being sold to, being told what we are doing or how we look isn’t good enough. We are craving honest communication about shared human experiences, validation and reassurance we’re not alone. Ditch the Act offers the answer to making the online experience with brand followers more human, meaningful, worthwhile and valuable. This book has inspired me to do more of this and build a connected community that thrives together.”

“Beautiful, brilliant must-read book! Ditch the Act will remind you that there are global forces and shared experiences that bring us together. It’s a roadmap to real authority and influence rooted in finding your truth and being yourself.”

“Leonard and Ryan’s book, Ditch the Act, is absolutely timely. Large companies across the globe are biting the dust as the best of their leaders are putting on charades instead of providing authentic leadership. Leaders who are ‘real’ are talent magnets and they build great institutions with enduring customer relationships. Authentic leaders drive tremendous efficiencies through increased transparency. Through examples, exercises and exploration, the authors have created an immensely readable and practical book on contemporary leadership.”

“It’s amazing how you shine when you take the polish off. Ditch the Act is a timely user manual on how to turn your awkward vulnerability into a powerful brand asset.”

“Ditch the Act is just the hard truth we all need to hear in an influencer environment where too much is staged for social and real truth is hard to come by. Authenticity cannot be contrived and passion cannot be faked. Authors, Ryan Foland and Leonard Kim share valuable stories and methods for getting out of your own way and getting to the real you. And that is a sustainable business strategy.”

“Leonard and Ryan take you on an amusing and empowering journey of authenticity, transparency and self-confidence… flaws and all. Personally, I welcome an era of business where we can all drop the facade, build genuine relationships, do our best work and spend less time shaping inauthentic personas.”

“As a venture capitalist who helps female entrepreneurs raise capital for their businesses, one of the most important things I tell entrepreneurs is that they need to be real, because investors are investing into you. Ditch the Act reveals the process you need to get massive buy-in from others for anything that you do by teaching you how to get your pitch down and expose your whole self in a way that causes massive attraction.”

“The key to building a good brand is to be raw and authentic with your audience. Leonard and Ryan jump right into showing you who they are with candid examples and backstory to develop exactly how they have been able to achieve success with their brands. Ditch the Act helps to strip down your barriers through engaging stories, data and homework to truly find who you are and how you can achieve more from yourself. It may be the cheapest therapist you ever engage with.”

“If you’re struggling to believe in how authenticity and vulnerability can supercharge your personal brand, Leonard and Ryan’s book will remove all your doubts and worries. Ditch the Act has the ability to reframe your mind in a sense that it will change the way you market and run your business. It’s the kind of book that makes you feel like you don’t have to be anyone else but yourself to build an empire which in turn makes it easier for you to achieve the freedom to live life on your own terms. In a world where people try so hard to learn all the advanced strategies that will help them accomplish their goals, Ditch the Act will silence all the white noise and serve you with the best and most powerful strategy there is to succeed not just in business but in all areas of your life. Everyone needs this. Thank you, Leonard and Ryan! You did an excellent job bringing this book to life.”

“I’m that person who scours social media for success patterns that might increase the visibility of my work. Ditch the Act is the clear and compelling playbook I didn’t know I needed — an easy read that models vulnerability at its finest, while offering practical guidance for how to accelerate personal brand-building.”

We think people only want to hear about our successes. We think that’s where our credibility will come from. And in that false assumption, we leave one of our greatest powers untapped. Ryan Foland and Leonard Kim have it just right in this book. You’ll never think of your attempts to influence the same way again.

“Ditch the Act actually does what many books try to do so ineffectively: address the value of authenticity. Reading this brought up my own feelings around the power of vulnerability in sharing not just more, but the full story with my audience. As much as we want to put on a brave and glorious image, not providing hardship makes us serve fewer people. Ditch the Act is one of the few books that makes me become a better leader, business owner and person by knowing my true journey is the one that must be told. This is a must-read book for anyone that wants to connect more with their customers, loved ones and themselves.”

“Whether you’re building a new business, reinventing yourself, or trying to stand out at work, one way you can build camaraderie quickly and achieve real success is through ditching the act. When you tap into the power of your authentic self, you become unstoppable at achieving your life’s true potential.”

Ditch the Act isn’t about creating a personal brand; it’s a step-by-step guide to articulating your story, identifying the wisdom in your wounds and sharing them both with the world. Ryan and Leonard demonstrate that in a world of carefully-curated online identities designed to impress, the true key to connection isn’t making people say, ‘oh wow! That’s amazing’; it’s giving people the opportunity to say, ‘oh my God, I thought I was the only one afraid, hurt, and hiding.’”

“Ryan and Leonard practice what they preach in their ground breaking work, Ditch the Act. They demonstrate the power of vulnerability as they reveal their own personal foibles and challenges. The reader can’t help but be attracted to their candor and authenticity. They then share a process which helps us all take off our masks and be the real people our customers want to trust, befriend and do business with.“

“Ditch the Act is an ideal antidote for anyone intimidated, confused or otherwise dismayed by the unceasing bacchanalian masquerade that is social media in recent times. Two of the internet’s most down-to-earth guys explain how they’ve burst through the artificial barriers set by different platform’s superficial standards, then lay out a step-by-step road map for you to begin your journey to accomplish the same. Authenticity is the skeleton key to a successful — and sustainable — future in social marketing, and Ryan and Leonard show you exactly how to ditch your own act and follow the path they’ve followed, both together and individually, to a fruitful and healthy online/offline presence.”

“This book cuts through the marketing psycho-babble and all the confusion that keeps many of us chasing tactics and over-the-top promises. DITCH all of the time and money wasted chasing other people’s dreams and employing “do-it-like-I-did-it” get rich schemes. Read this book – NOW!”

“In Ditch the Act, Ryan and Leonard open up about their vulnerabilities to show how we can harness our weaknesses to be an advantage. These two characters are masters of communication and this book is a must-read for anyone looking to improve their personal brand.”

“If you feel any hesitancy or fear around how to present yourself at work, online or on stage, look no further! This book will convince you that sharing all the messy parts, hard parts and small moments that you think no one cares about are what makes your brand real and interesting. If you’re not sure how to get started, this book also has useful exercises to get you thinking and building a presence other people will want to follow and engage with. Don’t wait to read this book!”

“We’re in an age where Instagram and Facebook rule, where influencers and even friends have us believing that everyone’s successes, family dynamics and lives are perfect and ours aren’t. It isn’t real. Life is messy. Success is messy. This book gives the reader permission to be vulnerable and still be okay. Leonard and Ryan share relatable instances that resonated with me so much they brought me to tears, and I found myself breathing a huge sigh of relief to just give myself a break from having to be picture perfect (literally). THESE concepts help cut through the barrage of misinformation and hype we’re fed daily and allow us as entrepreneurs to present ourselves authentically and in turn create authentic relationships with clients, family and everyone around us.”

“When I prepare people for high-stakes presentations such as TED talks, people always ask me, ‘How can I be more authentic with my audience?’ Ditch the Act is exactly what people need to do to be more authentic. It’s all eloquently explained with examples by the authors. I predict this book will be seen as powerful as the book How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. If you want to find your authentic self and allow that self to be seen and heard by the world, Ditch the Act is your key to success.”

“Courageous, different and a masterclass in vulnerability. Ditch the Act is a refreshingly pragmatic book on how to build your personal brand. Leonard and Ryan have bravely shared their own trials and triumphs in service of empowering others who want to build a long-lasting personal brand. If you are looking to ignite your personal brand online or otherwise, look no further than this book. It’s the rocket fuel you need to launch your personal branding into the stratosphere.”

“As any Leonard Kim fan would know, Leonard is THE master at personal branding. On whatever medium, you will find him and know him to be the thought leader in his space. Leonard and Ryan’s book is a whole lot more than just telling you to stop being fake. It’s a recipe book for developing a script of the ‘real you’ and HOW exactly you can use it to produce genuine content at scale and grow your audience. It’s so good, we’re going to start handing this book out to our customers who want to become the best thought-leaders they can be.”

“This book is certainly one of the best and most moving books I have ever read. And boy do I consume a heap of content. Actually, it’s one of those few exceptional books that not only has the power to change lives for the better and provide a few good laughs — but also comes once in a lifetime! A must-read for every person interested in growing their brand through authenticity.”

“Leonard and Ryan deliver meaningful and brutal life lessons that you’d never expect from two super successful public figures. The ‘Exposure Resume’ and 3-1-3 method helped me see through my own fluff and get to what really works in building my personal brand.”
Pick up your very own copy of Ditch the Act at one of the following retailers:
In Ditch the Act: Reveal the Surprising Power of the Real You, we show you how to take your weakest moments and turn them into your strengths through a proprietary formula…
…called an Exposure Résumé, which helps you uncover and reveal the moments you are most afraid to share — that will drive deep connections with your audience.
Our book, Ditch the Act, is broken up into three core elements that will allow you to fully grasp why you need to begin revealing your authentic self immediately.
Pick up your very own copy of Ditch the Act at one of the following retailers:
Building a personal brand isn’t just limited to one specific type of person; it can work for anyone. It doesn’t just work for me. It doesn’t just work for Ryan. It doesn’t just work for our clients either. The process of taking off the mask, ditching the act and exposing ourselves works no matter who you are.
Ditch the Act demonstrates how exposing your failures and weaknesses is an essential element to creating an authentic personal brand… We’ll show how ditching the act and getting vulnerable is the best way to differentiate and grow your brand, while cultivating brand loyalty.
If you don’t have a job and are looking for one, you will find that a personal brand is absolutely essential in landing your next role.
No matter what category you fall under, listed here or not, you still have a personal brand. And your personal brand is the intersection between what you want to be known for and what people think of you. Ditch the Act will teach you how to bring your intentional personal brand to life.